Thursday, March 24, 2016

CSA season is here

I get my vegetables from CSA.  
Community Supported Agriculture.  

My veggies come from a family farm in Long Island.  I got to meet the actual farmer today.
He was lean healthy looking man.  which made me feel even better about his vegetables.

By buying local, I contribute to the local business, cut down on fuel wasted by importing food, and also cut down the middle man so I get my money's worth.

This is actually helpful since it cuts down on the time for me to wonder what the heck I'm going to buy for dinner.  Rather then wonder what to buy, I wonder what to make out of things in the fridge.

and I can plan better for the week too.

I also got to find new veggies I would have never tried.

My challenge this year would be to apply some of these unfamiliar vegetables into Japanese cuisine.

we shall see.

to be continued....

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Work in Progress

Started the Christi's neighborhood project. 
A whole a lot of junking up to be done. 

I like containers.  
To think that these creation has a function as well!  Art that works.... Is awesome. 

Saturday, March 12, 2016

PCA Luminaria in progress

So I tried!! Not colored yet. But that's for tonight. 

The construction of the dome was not that complicated but it is tedious. 
So you turn on something on Netflix and work work work. 


I already added the 2nd inner layer here. 
I have to go get the skinny nail files to go Inside the holes to make it smooth. 

And the plate! 

I used marbles to keep the ripples in shape. It stuck on the wet clay easily and peeled off after baking. 

I have to stick to my self inflicted limitation so there will be thus little guy right on it. 

To be continued 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Polymer Clay Adventure making the Luminaria Lamp

This was last month at PCA.  Donna Greenberg's Luminaria.
I loved it!  I want it!  I need to make it!!

So I've been on the search for the dome shaped something for the armature.
The dome bowl she used in the tutorial was an IKEA bowl. But going to Ikea is a whole day trip from where I live. 
So I naturally looked online. 

And found this!!
Aluminum Hemisphere dome!  
It comes in 4 sizes and it can be baked!! yay!
I'm not sure how the rims would work, but I'll compromise.

Also got this mini tea candle.  the kind that works with battery.
Who knew such thing existed!  there's always something you learn each day.
This one actually flickers like a candle and it fits under the smaller dome. 
I got this at Amazon.

It's time to condition the clay....

To be continued.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Container Store

I saw these cabinets at the display Windows.  I'm in love!!

These little draws are perfect. 

Monday, March 7, 2016

Pod Necklace

It turned out a lot better than I expected!! 
I actually like it. 

I'll be wearing it to workshops and shows 

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Stringing the Pods

It's time to string them up. 

Line them up to see who would go next to each other....

I realize I'm not as experienced in this task...

So I switched project and made a quick ring!!
Nunn Design kit 

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Pulse Contemporary Art Fair

It's a show of emerging artists.
All these were on sale.  

I saw 3 works by my friend Mu Pan. 
Who happens to have a son that has the same name as my daughter. 

Anyway his work is soooooo kimo kawaii it's awesome. 
Surreal and creepy. The subject is often battles.

This time Orangutans and masked white monkeys were fighting. 

Reminds me of the current Republican debates. 
Take off those phony masks and reveal your true nature boys!! 

Orangutans and the Masked white monkeys behind K.

Masked White monkeys defeating the squirrels.


to be continued

Friday, March 4, 2016

Imspired by other Artist

I saw a post that Christi will be in Japan teaching workshops...
Darn! I was just there, so I can't go... and they'll be smack in the middle of the Sakura season.
I envy that....

She will be with another Artist Mami Kelly (ケリー真美) who is Japanese!
I would love to meet her one of these days.... GUES WHAT!
she'll be teaching at Christi's Hawaiian Cruise!
So I will get to meet her after all.

As for the workshop, they will be making pods.....

PODS!!!  I had forgotten about them.

oh no.

well, Mami has turned the pods into necklaces.... and it looks yummy!
I need to try that.

to be continued



Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Kimo-Kawaii きもかわいい

The word Kawaii has spread enough but how about  Kimo Kawaii?
Kimo stands for Kimochiwarui (  気持ち悪い)meaning Creepy.

so Creepy Cute is Kimo Kawaii!
example of Kimo Kawaii....


Frog Mural at 81st street station.


and finally, my Octopus Necklace!!!  (inspired by Christi of course)

to be continued.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

アメリカ大統領選 スーパー・チューズデー

スーパーなのよ。 なんでかって言うと、選挙が一度に沢山あるのよ。

州によって 票の数が違うのよ。人口で何人分って決まっててある一定の票を集めた代表者が最終的にそれぞれの党の代表になる。



でさ、 私はどうしたってバーニーがいいのよ。 世論を見てると日本の政治家はヒラリーがいいんだってさ、軍隊のサポートとか減ると困るらしい。

でもさ、悪いけどさ、アメリカに住んでる 身としてはさ、そんなの関係ないわよ!
毎年の定期検診で血液検査しただけなのにどうして検査代だせって言われなくちゃいけないの? あんたが調べとけ!って言った血よ。

大学の費用が年間家一軒分ってどういう事? 人の一生に家は一軒あれば十分でしょ?







Limiting yourslef....

Through the Tin Tin Shrine experience, I found out that having some limitation can boost your creativity.

To be confined in the box was a small enough limitation where you were forced to be creative in a different way then usual.

also it forced you to think of the composition.  
there are 3 panels and they all have to make sense together.
Well, it really doesn't need to, but I wanted them to tell a story together.

not sure if the stories were clear, but I think I managed it.

I know I will have more projects coming up from Polymer Clay Adventure and also Christi Friesen's Neighborhood,  but I can still limit myself to a subject.

I'll still be doing the projects, but I will cast a limitation for myself (for now) until I feel like not doing that anymore again.

anyway.... the theme for a while will be  cats, octopus, frogs and gold fish.
those 4. 

because I like them.

to be continued.



ねこ と たこ と かえる と 金魚。

