Thursday, March 24, 2016

CSA season is here

I get my vegetables from CSA.  
Community Supported Agriculture.  

My veggies come from a family farm in Long Island.  I got to meet the actual farmer today.
He was lean healthy looking man.  which made me feel even better about his vegetables.

By buying local, I contribute to the local business, cut down on fuel wasted by importing food, and also cut down the middle man so I get my money's worth.

This is actually helpful since it cuts down on the time for me to wonder what the heck I'm going to buy for dinner.  Rather then wonder what to buy, I wonder what to make out of things in the fridge.

and I can plan better for the week too.

I also got to find new veggies I would have never tried.

My challenge this year would be to apply some of these unfamiliar vegetables into Japanese cuisine.

we shall see.

to be continued....

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